Corporate governance policy
Overview of the Policy and Guidelines
The Company has been taking of the importance of maintaining in good governance into consideration, which are generally accepted that it’s a key factor in making fairness to the stakeholders, maximizing benefits to the shareholders and strengthening effectiveness of the organizations. Thus, the Company aims to encourage the Company’s operations to comply with the Corporate Governance Code: “CG Code” for listed company 2017 by Securities and Exchange Commission Thailand, which are comprises five sections as follows:
Section 1: Right of Shareholders
The Company realizes and places importance on equality of all shareholders’ rights by keeping equitably with support and facilitation all shareholders to exercise their right as both investors and owners of the Company. Shareholders are entitled to access to the information accurately, completely, timely, and transparently via the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s disclosure channel and the Company’s website. Furthermore, the Company encourages shareholders to exercise their rights legally such as the right to buy, sell or transfer the shares, the right to receive dividends, the right to participate in the annual general meeting, vote and make a question at the meetings of shareholders. Apart from above mentioned about the right of shareholders, the company is responsible to encourage and facilitate shareholders to exercise their rights as follows:
1.1 ) Information Disclosure
The Company regularly disseminates important and necessary information to shareholders via the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) channel, media, publications, and also the Company’s website. Moreover, the Company also provide telephone number and information request channel through the e-mail address of Investor Relations section.
1.2 ) The Annual General Meeting
1.2.1 ) The preparation of an invitation letter for the annual general meeting
- The Company sent invitation letter both Thai and English version for the shareholders’ meeting to shareholder containing agenda details with clearly defined agenda items for the meeting and related appendices together with opinion of the Board of Directors, Articles of Association relating to shareholder’s meeting, proxy forms, a name list of all Independent Directors to facilitate investors for shareholder’s consideration at least 21 days prior to the meeting day.
- The Company disclosed invitation letter of shareholders’ meeting both Thai and English version on the Company’s website at least 28 days before the meeting day and announced through the newspaper both Thai and English version for 3 consecutive days to comply with Public Limited Companies Act, B.E. 2535 (1992).
1.2.2 ) Proxy appointment
- For the convenience of shareholder to attend a Meeting, the Company provides an opportunity for shareholder to appoint a representative, e.g., an independent director or any other person to act as proxy, using one of the proxy forms attached with the notice of the Meeting. The proxy forms prepared in compliance with the specifications defined by the Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce, allow shareholders to exercise their voting rights as they wish. Additional a profile of independent directors proposed by the Company to serve as proxies for shareholders. For institutional or foreign investors who authorize custodians in Thailand to keep and safeguard their shares, the Company will arrange for the documents and evidence required prior to attending the Meeting well in advance to facilitate registration on the date of the Meeting.
1.2.3 ) The voting procedure and the method of counting the votes
- The Company encourages shareholders to vote, giving equal importance to each agenda item by clearly outlining the voting process and the method of vote counting. Each share is counted as one vote. The company has invited legal representatives to act as observers during the vote counting process to ensure transparency. There will be clear separation of votes for each agenda item to protect the rights of shareholders. Vote counting will consider the side with the majority as the resolution, except in cases where a decision requires a minimum of three-fourths of the total votes from shareholders present and eligible to vote.
- In 2023, The Company conducted meeting via electronic means. Shareholders can vote electronically on each agenda item presented by the chairperson during the meeting. Shareholders can choose to vote ‘agree’, ‘disagree’, or ‘abstain’ by clicking on the respective button. After confirmation, the voting results will then be aggregated with the pre-submitted votes in the proxy forms before announcing the resolutions.
- The chairperson of the meeting will announce the voting results to the attendees, including the number of ‘agree’, ‘disagree’, and ‘abstain’ votes, as well as the number of invalited votes. They will also state the total number of votes cast and calculate the percentage of each type of vote based on the total number of votes held by shareholders present at the meeting or eligible to vote on each relevant agenda item. This information will be complied from electronic traffic data as specified in the announcement of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.
1.2.4 ) Enabling pre-meeting shaholder inquiries
- The Company has provided shareholders the opportunity to submit questions regarding the meeting in advance, no less than 28 days prior. Notifications were made via stock exchange website, the company’s investor relations website, and in the meeting invitation letters. Additionally, during each agenda item, shareholders were invited to freely inquire, express opinions, and offer suggestions without limitation, within a suitable timeframe during the meeting.
1.2.5 ) The opportunity for shareholders to propose meeting agenda items and nominate candidates for consideration as board members
- The Company provides shareholders the opportunity to propose agenda items for consideration and nominate qualified individuals for board membership at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2024. This opportunity has been available in advance since November 30, 2023, until February 29, 2024.
1.2.6 ) The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is scheduled to be held within a period not exceeding 4 months from the end of the accounting period
- The Company held a total of 1 shareholders’ meeting (no extraordinary meeting during the year) on June 20, 2023 at 10:00 am. The Company held the Annual General Meeting 2023 in form of electronic meeting (E-AGM) at the meeting room, 388 Exchange Tower, Sukhumvit Road, Khwaeng Klongtoey, Khet Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110. The Company use the electronic media control system provided by Quidlab Co., Ltd., which is an e-meeting service provider certified by Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) (The certification document number สพธอ.65-006).
- The Company published a guideline and a manual via stock exchange website and the company’s investor relations website.
- Due to the electronic format of the meeting. For shareholders who have registered and submitted proxies in advance, the Company employs information technology systems and Barcodes for transparency and easy registrqation. Shareholders who wish to attend the electronic meeting can access the meeting system at least 2 hours prior to the meeting, following the guidelines provided in the shareholder meeting access manual distributed by the Company in advance.
- For the Annual General Meeting on June 20, 2023, the Company’s secretary outlined the procedures for voting, vote counting, questioning, and other practices for attend the meeting clearly to ensure a smooth and efficient meeting process. The chairman of the board has appointed a board member to act as the chairperson of the meeting. There will be a total of 11 board members attending the meeting.
- The chairperson of the meeting conducted the shareholder meeting according to the agenda specified in the meeting invitation letter in sequence and did not add any other agenda to the meeting without notifying shareholders in advance.
- The Company invited a representative from Baker & McKenzie Company Limited to be an observer for the meeting’s transparency, compliance with the law and regulations of the Company and provide complete recording of minutes of shareholder meetings. Details of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders can be viewed in the investor relations menu in the Company’s website
1.2.7 ) Notification of meeting resolutions and minutes of shareholder meetings
- The Company published a summary of the voting results at the meeting along with the voting results of each agenda for shareholders and the general public to acknowledge through the disclosure channels of the Stock Exchange of Thailand on the same day after the meeting ends and published the minutes of shareholder meetings in both Thai and English via the Company's website within 14 days.
Section 2: Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
The company places importance on the interests for every shareholder, major or minor, individual or institutional as well as Thai or foreign investors equitably. To ensure equality and fair treatment for every shareholder, all shareholders regarded as the owners of the Company and entitled to be equitably treated on fair basis, regardless of gender, age, nationality. The Company disclosed important and necessary information to shareholders, arranged shareholders’ meeting annually for shareholders to exercise their rights and participate in managing the Company fairly through the following actions:
2.1 ) Measures to ensure equal treatment of shareholders
2.1.1 ) The Company has established measures to prevent the directors and executives to exploit the Company’s inside information for their own benefit;
- The directors or executive officers, including his/her spouse and minor child, shall not use any inside information for the buying, selling, transferring or acceptance of transfer of the Company’s securities before the disclosure of such information to the public or before the disclosure of financial statement of the company to the public. The period in which the purchase, sale, transfer or acceptance of transfer of the Company's securities is controlled, i.e. the period in which the Company's securities price may be affected by activities such as the disposing of assets, opening a new business or new product, etc., and the period from closing the financial statements to submitting financial statements to the SET and the SEC, which is not more than 45 days for quarterly financial statements and not more than 60 days for annual financial statements. In addition, after the disclosure of the information, the above-mentioned person should not buy or sell (not less than 24 hrs.) securities until the public has received such information and had an opportunity to evaluate it thoroughly.
- The Company restricts employee’s access rights to the data layer to prevent access to information that may be sensitive and affect the price of the Company's securities based on Need-to-know Basis.
- The Company has set prohibitions on the use of inside information for personal benefits and communicated to all employees including clear legal penalties.
- The Company has set a Blackout Period during appropriate timing.
- The Company complies with the provisions of the Securities Act and announcements of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and related announcements from the Capital Market Supervisory Board regarding the preparing, disclosing and submitting reports on holdings and changes in securities holdings of the Company's board of directors, executives, including management positions in the accounting or finance fields who are department managers or equivalent, their spouses and children who minor within the specified period to the Office of the Securities Commission and the Stock Exchange (“SEC Office”).
- The Company discloses the shareholdings of directors and executives, both direct and indirect, clearly separated, disclosing the number of shares held at the beginning of the year and which were traded during the year and report to the board meeting on annual basis.
- The Company shall notify the directors and executive officers who have responsibilities to report the possession of the securities by himself/herself, his/her spouse and his/her minor child that when the directors or executive officers including their spouse or their minor child buy, sell, transfer or accept transfer of the securities of the Company, they have duties to submit the reports of securities holding in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures specified in the notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board.
- To comply with Section 89/14 of the Securities Act, the Company requires directors and executives to report their interests related to the management of the company's or subsidiary's business or those of related persons to the Company, in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures announced by the Capital Market Supervisory Board.
- The Company Secretary submits a copy of the report to the Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Audit Committee according to the criteria stipulated by the Securities Act Section 89/16 and the Stock Exchange and reports every time there is a change in order for the Audit Committee to consider the risk of conflicts of interest of persons who may have conflicts according to the SEC announcement.
- The Company has established IT Steering Committee (ITSC) to promote, supervise and manage the use of information technology system and the IT security system to prevent the leakage of inside information or damage that may occur to the data. The Company also implements and complies the standard system ISO27001:2022 (Information Security, cybersecurity and privacy protection – Information security management system) that the International Organization for Standardization (International Organization for Standardization, abbreviated as ISO) officially in October 2022, which was modified from ISO27001:2013
2.1.2 ) The Company sets up the following policies to prevent conflict of interest;
- The Company has arranged a transparent and clear management structure in the shareholding structure and investment in subsidiaries or associated companies.
- The Company has established measures for related transactions between the Company and persons who may have conflict of interest that the executives or related persons will not be able to take part in approving such transactions. In addition, the Company has arranged for the Audit Committee to consider and give opinions on the transactions between the Company and related persons which is disclosed in the connected transactions.
- The Company has established “Rules and regulations of entertainment and gift exchanging” for employees at all levels to be aware of the principles, terms of accepting gifts and hospitality for customers. Such rules and regulations shall be regarded as part of this anti-corruption policy as well and disclosed in the Anti-Corruption Policy.
- Directors who have a conflict of interest in any matter will not have the right to vote on that matter.
Section 3 Roles of Stakeholders
The Company recognizes importance of rights of all stakeholders including shareholders, employees, customers, competitors, business partners, creditors and society and environment. It’s a common duty of the Company to equally consider of every type of stakeholders, by taking actions legally with fairness as follows:
The Company respects shareholders’ rights and responsible to the shareholders by emphasizing on sustaining business growth in order to create long-term returns to maximize shareholder value. After became listed company in 2001, the Company has continually generated dividend payment every year. The Company’s key information is disclosed to the shareholders in a correct, complete, transparent and accountable manner. In addition, the Company facilitates shareholders to fully exercise their rights.
The Company has recognized that the employees at all levels are valuable resources and key drivers of business success. Therefore, the Company has recruited and hired talented and experienced personnel to work. Employees receive appropriate remuneration and various benefits, including awards for their work performance every year as well as supporting skill development, education and training for employees to create standards in customer service. Besides, the Company has supported employees to have a good quality of life by create a safety and good environment for working place.
The Company is committed to conducting business with customer satisfaction as the top priority, therefore it has continuously developed products and services along with its Digitalization Roadmap in which adopting digital technology into best services to meet the needs of customers. In addition, the Company also places importance on conducting business with fairness and transparency, supporting free competition for the utmost benefit of customers. The performance of sustainability development for customers is disclosed in the Sustainability Development section.
The Company is expanding along with customers with quality by applying the principles of Responsible Lending as a guideline that emphasizes the importance of lending quality loans along with providing financial literacy and promoting good financial discipline to customers in a sustainable way.
The Company executes the business under a fair competition, integrity approaches, strictly comply with laws, rules and related regulations and does not seek competitors’ confidential information by dishonest means and do not take advantage of competitors by unlawful means or try to damage the reputation of competitors by making malicious accusations without real information and no attempts to infringe others’ copyrights or their intellectual properties. In addition, the Company does not have a price policy that discourages or takes competitive advantages against competitors. During the past year, the Company does not have any legal issues with its competitors for unfair business.
The company has always been realized of the importance and determine to go forward together with the business partner by doing business with fairness. The success of the business group partly from the support of partners. The company strictly treats any agreements and conditions with honorably for a long-term relationship with all partners. In addition, the Company is aware of the efficient use of resources and reducing environmental impacts under the principles of good corporate governance by adhereing to the supply chain management guidline with consideration and awareness of economic, social and environmental (ESG) impacts throughout the organization's supply chain, in relating to purchasing/hiring policies and practices to be consistent with international standards and sustainable ethical standards. More details are provided in the Sustainability Development section.
The Company abides by lending terms and conditions, and all legitimate duties to creditors and debenture holders. In addition, the Company values compliance with all obligations under Securitization Law 1997.
As of February 29, 2024, the Company was able to maintain financial ratios and other terms as specified in the contract. The Company has been assessed by an internationally recognized credit rating agencies. In 2024, the Company was able to maintain its credibility. The assessment results are as follows:
Credit Rating Agency | Credit Rating |
Fitch Rating | A-(tha)/Outlook Stable |
Japan Credit Rating | A/Stable |
The Company is aware of the responsibility towards the public and environment by supporting activities that conserve the environment and contribute to society. It creates a corporate culture to encourage all employees to participate in environmental stewardship including training all level of employees to realize the importance of society and environment responsibility. For more details on ESG part or Sustainability report 2023 of the company, disclosed in the Company’s Investor Relation website.
Section 4 Information Disclosure and Transparency
4.1 ) Disclosure of Information
4.1.1 ) Disclosure of information is one of an important CG principles
4.1.2 ) Personal Data Protection Policy
4.2 ) Investor Relations
The Investor Relations section has been assigned to take the responsibility of providing and disseminating information and activities of the Company of the benefits with institutional and individual investors, stock analysts, shareholders, and other people. Investors and interested parties can contact Investor Relations section directly for the Company’s information, including financial statements, 56-1 One Report, and notifications to SET/SEC, etc.
Investor Relations contact information
Address | : AEON Thana Sinsap (Thailand) Public Company Limited 388 Exchange Tower, 27th Floor, Sukhumvit RoadKhwaeng Klongtoey, Khet Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 |
Website | : (select “Investor Relations”) |
Telephone | : 02-302-4721 to 3 |
: [email protected] |
The Company has regularly conducted company visit for both domestic and international analysts and investors and according to Covid-19 situation the company mainly joined/hold the meeting via online platform. Fiscal Year 2023, the Company shows details as below:
Forms of activities | Number of times | Number of Company |
Conference call + Online meeting | 32 | 199 |
Roadshow | 4 | 51 |
Analyst meeting | 2 | 81 |
Total | 38 | 331 |
Section 5 Responsibilities of the Board
The Roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall supervise Directors’ pursuit of duties and business of the group, in order to promote management which aims at improving the value of the Company group, in compliant with applicable laws, objectives and Articles of Association as well as the resolutions of the Shareholders Meetings.
Board of Directors’ Responsibilities
In the fiscal year 2023, The Company proposed the SEC’s notification subject Practicing an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of company directors to board meeting for consideration. The main points are as follows;
Best Practices for a Board of Directors
Best Practices for the Audit Committee to Prevent and Mitigate Inappropriate Behavior in Listed Companies
Term of Office
In terms of office, the Board of Directors has established directorship term in the Articles of Association of the Company which states that at each annual ordinary meeting of shareholders, one-third (1/3) of the directors shall retire. If the number of directors is not a multiple of three, the number of directors closest to one-third (1/3), but not in excess of one-third (1/3), of the total number of directors shall retire. In addition, a director who vacates his office may be re-elected.
Directorship of Executive Directors in Other Companies
The Company imposed the guideline that the Company’s Executive Directors are able to hold directorship in not more than 5 other companies in order to ensure that the executive directors have sufficient time to perform their duties and work efficiency in conformity with the principle of good corporate governance for listed companies that imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The details of directorship held by the Company’s Executive Directors in other companies reported in attachment1.
The Board of Directors’ Authorization
The Board of Director is empowered to authorize various matters in accordance with the scope of authority stipulated by laws, the Company’s Articles of Association, the Board Charter, and the Shareholder Meeting resolutions. Such matters include defining and reviewing corporate vision, mission, operating strategies, operating plans, risk management policy, annual budget and business plans, defining of the target operating results and also material connected transactions.
Authorized Signatory Directors
The authorized signatory of the Company is Mr. Mitsugu Tamai or Mr. Tsutomu Omodera and affixed with the Company's seal.
The Board of Directors’ Meetings
Succession Planning
The Company actively primes its management for internal rotation. As regards succession planning for Managing Director position complies with the major shareholder’s policy prevails.
Business Ethics and Corporate Governance Policies
Business Ethics
AEON group has provided “AEON Code of Conduct” for the Board of Directors, the Management, and the employees of the AEON group to use as a guideline in performing their duties to accomplish the Company’s goal with ethics for business conduct and practice towards related stakeholders. To review AEON Code of Conduct, the Company with the cooperation with AEON Financial Service (Japan) always provides training for management on yearly basis. In addition, the Company also provides communication channel regarding AEON Code of Conduct through intranet system in order to facilitate staff and encourage them to follow practice in the Code of Conduct.
AEON – Commitment
- AEON people are always grateful to the many other individuals who provide support and help, never forgetting to act with humility.
- AEON people values the trust of others more than anything else, always acting with integrity and sincerity in all situations.
- AEON people actively seek out ways to exceed customer expectations.
- AEON people continually challenge themselves to find new ways to accomplish the AEON ideals.
- AEON people support local community growth, acting as good corporate citizens in serving society.
1) Policy of anti-corruption and bribery prohibition
The Company is against and does not accept corruption in any form. The Company has prescribed anti-corruption procedures for its activities to comply with this policy and will regularly review that these procedures comply with the relevant laws and maintain the Company’s reputation. All the employees, affiliates and parties involved with the Company must strictly comply with this policy.
Executive Committee is responsible for determining the policies, monitoring and forming an effective system supporting anti-corruption, emphasize on anti-corruption, and cultivate anti-corruption mindset as the Company’s culture.
1.1 ) Internal Communication
The Company has established channels for communicating the policy and procedures regarding anti-corruption policy including the approval process, the practice for avoiding or denying corrupt behavior. The Company provides various channels for reporting corruption information, complaints or suggestions within the Company; for example, via the intranet within the organization, email, new employee orientation program in order to give employees a better understanding of the anti-corruption policy.
1.2 ) Whistleblower Protection
2 ) Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: AML/CFT/WMD
AEONTS and subsidiaries are committed to combating money-laundering and financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to be complied with the applicable laws and regulation of legal entity and also to be complied with AFS Group’s AML/CFT policy. We are taking into the account its social responsibility as a financial institution, company and corporate group, considers the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing to be one of its most important management issues. In order to prevent of money laundering and terrorist financing, the company wholly or majority-owned or controlled legal entities as a source of money laundering and supporting financial to terrorist and proliferation of weapon of mass destruction implements the AML/CFT/WMD policy as followings:
3 ) The Policy of Whistleblower Protection Policy
The Company place great importance on good governance by prescribing a policy for all levels of employees to focus on transparent and verifiable operations. The Company continuously provides training and knowledge for employees in those matters.
The Company has provided channels for complaints or whistleblowing for various groups of stakeholders, which can be reported through several channels, such as;
- All 101 branches nationwide
- Call Center phone number 02-665-0123
- Electronic mail (E-Mail): [email protected]
- Investor Relations: [email protected]
The Company has established a clear process for receiving complaints, whereby the complaint information, including the name of the complainant will be kept confidential. Employees are not involved and have no access to such information. In case of receiving complaint, the recipient will record the information and take corrective action as appropriate without delay, including reporting the results to the executives or the Board of Directors for acknowledgment in some cases.
In addition, the Company has established channels for complaints in case of unfair treatment of employees, whether caused by the operations of the Company, supervisors or employees. When receiving such cases, the departments and responsible persons appointed by the Company will be responsible for inspecting, investigating and considering the results without delay, and directly reporting the results to senior management. In this regard, the complainant will be kept confidential as well. The Company has a variety of complaint channels, consisting of E-mail channel and other channels such as telephone, etc.
4 ) The Policy of the right of Personal Data protection and personal data
Since the operation of the Company are related to personal data, it is therefore highly aware of the problem of personal data abuse and adhere to the protection of privacy rights security of personal information Including the use of personal data to meet the purpose of collection under the legal framework.
The Company has policies and practices to protect personal information of all stakeholders. The Company has improved processes and practices following the Personal Data Protection Act in order to develop potential and create awareness among personnel in the organization. Therefore, we have provided company’s personnel the training about guidelines of the personal data protection to be informed and prevent damage that may occur in the collection, usage and disclosure of personal information as well as the information is kept safe, confidential and will not be disclosed except required by law or with the consent of the service recipient, including appointing data protection officer (DPO).
For personal data collection, the Company has provided a Privacy Policy Statement or a Privacy Notice for customers, shareholders, third parties and employees on the Company's website to notify the data owner of the purpose, duration, legal basis for data collection where information may be disclosed to third parties, including other details as required by law.
The Company also devotes attention to the legal rights of the data owner. Therefore, the appropriate channels for right exercising and receiving complaints are provided. The Company has a policy to investigate and deal with within a reasonable time.
In 2023, the company provided employees whose roles and responsibility are relating to personal data to participate in mandatory training on how to handle personal data in accordance with laws and international standards and they are required to pass the test.
The Company is aware of the responsibility towards the public and environment by developing internal system and supporting corporate social responsibility activities regularly. In April 2007, AEON Thailand Foundation (“ATF”) was established to commemorate the Company’s 15th anniversary with the commitment to provide development and assistance to society and intention to preserve and recover the environment. In order to contribute many charitable projects according to the foundation’s objective, ATF has mainly received regular contributions from the Company and associated companies. In addition, the Company has focused on Corporate Social Responsibility as follow:
Protection of Personal Information
The Company has Corporate Quality Secretariat (CQS) Office for the purpose of Company’s information security awareness and segregation of duty evolving Company’s information in each level including monitoring compliance in the work place. The CQS Office is responsible for Information Security Management System and to promote secure management of personal information activities i.e. evaluating, training, and revising the measures of risk management for protection of company’s asset and information. The Company also implemented access control system to work areas, information disclosure, and etc.
The Company was awarded the ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certification for its Information Security Management System (ISMS) by Bureau Veritas Certification (Thailand) Ltd. in February 2008. This certification is an internationally recognized information security framework standard which gives assurance and satisfaction of knowing that the Company is protecting all information with controls those are the best practices and are commonly used by world class organizations. This means that information security and data protection have top priority in the company and have been efficiently implemented.
In addition, in February 2009, the Company was awarded the ISO9001:2008 certification, an International Standard of Quality Management System, by Bureau Veritas Certification (Thailand) Ltd. This achievement clearly demonstrates the Company’s commitment to provide the financial services in line with the customers’ need and expectation efficiently and effectively and also comply with all legislative requirements.
Environment Protection
AEON Group has a policy to give back to society as a principal of business. Facing potential risk of global warming and climate change in this decade, AEON Group has actively preserved environment through tree-planting and water resource protection in order to reduce impact from global warming and climate change. The Company has organized the tree planting activity consecutively every year i.e. joining tree planting activity initiated by AEON Environmental Foundation (Japan) in Beijing, China and participating in “AEON Thailand Foundation Tree-Planting project” at the Sinrindhorn National Environmental Park in Cha-am, Petchaburi Province. To help the disaster victims, the Company presented the cash donation to Friends in Need (of “PA”) Volunteers Foundation Thai Red Cross to help flood victims, presented help to the victims of flood both at the moment and recovery after flood by donation of disaster relief package to the victims at Amphur Hat Yai, Songkla Province and rice seeds to farmers at Pathumthani Province.
In 2012, The Company with AEON Thailand Foundation and its affiliated companies has been focusing on forest preservation continuously by organized the tree planting activity under a project of “Plantation in honor of 85th birthday of His Majesty the King” at Sri Lanna National Park, Chiang Mai province which many of volunteers from both internal and external joined the activity.
In addition, the Company was awarded the ISO14001:2004 certification, an International Standard of Environmental Management System, by Bureau Veritas Certification (Thailand) Ltd. This achievement clearly demonstrates the Company’s commitment to provide the business by concentrating on impact of operating services and also comply with related laws and regulations. Besides, the Company also announced Environmental Policy to all employees, related persons, and public.
Social contribution Activities
The Company has a policy to return to society consecutively. CSR activities were organized to the social welfare and community since 2007 and will be arranged continuously i.e. campaign for raising fund donation to Chai Pattana Foundation in order to celebrate His Majesty’s 60 years of Golden Reign, blood donation through Thai Red Cross, providing lunch treat, scholarship and donate necessary things to disadvantaged kids and the deaf students, dictionaries donation for students, donation to Earthquake victims in Republic of Haiti via The Thai Red Cross Society, donated winter equipments to the victims of cold at Nongkhai Province in associated with The Thai Red Cross Society, arranging AEON We Care project by granting the ambulance to The Thai Red Cross Society and cash donation to Phramongkutklao Hospital Foundation.
In 2012, aside from the blood donation activity, donated cash to support The Cardiac Children Foundation of Thailand and donated winter equipments, the Company, its affiliated companies, and AEON Thailand Foundation has been continuing the “AEON Library” project for 2nd time at Lopburi Province with the purpose of restoration flooding area in school and restore life to the library of needed school. Not only renovated the library at school in Lopburi, the foundation also contributed books for school at Ayutthaya province. Furthermore, the foundation granted scholarship to undergraduate students of Chulalongkorn and Thammasat University which is 4-year scholarship program.
AEON Thailand Foundation was qualified by the Ministry of Finance to be a public charity organization number 773 which the donations made to AEON Thailand Foundation is tax deductible expenses in the end of year.
AEON Thailand Foundation click here to open the page.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report click here